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About Me

I am always looking for ways to affect people and their lives.
Helping out in ways that most would say is crazy.
In my senior year of junior year of high school I took a nurse's aide class
to earn some easy credits. Senior year of high school I started working
for the Mason's in one of their homes in Alma. I enjoyed it greatly taking
care of people from all over the country. They taught me alot about what
people need to be happy. Usually it is just someone to talk to and have
Well along the way I felt that an apprenticeship in tool and die would
give me stability. Five years working at a small die shop in sparta MI
and going to college at Montcalm Community College went by quickly.
Really I learned to troubleshoot just about any obstacle in my way and work
out of my shyness to get things done.
Everything I could figure out on my own without hiring someone has always
 been a necesity for me such as construction. My first roofing project was when
I was around 20. I was taught to build my own pole barn to save money by
my then father in law. Really hard work and never thought I would do it again,
but realized I was hooked. Have worked on many projects since.
Now I work as a Operations Facilitator for a Solar Company. Honestly have
trained 99% of every employee there. I along with two other gentleman wrote
our procedure books in order to operate the cell lines. Now I manage the
document control system and make sure all departments are under control
and happy.
Wow alot of serious stuff huh?
I have two son's of my own and two stepsons. My wife wynn is in advertising
and is the best in the business.
Life is good and getting better with her in my life.